Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Darndest Things

In a tribute to my husband's television idol, Bill Cosby, I think I'm going to start periodically posting my funny conversations with the kids ... because they truly do say some of the darndest things. Unfortunately, I can't usually turn one cute comment into an entire blog-worthy article. I can, however, pass along the laughs. Hope you enjoy!

TDT #1:

Ella loves to play with the letters on our refrigerator, and regularly asks me to help her spell out simple words. Yesterday, she was particularly ambitious. After spelling out "box," "kite," and "gift," she turned to me and asked, "Mommy, how do you spell "Main Street?"

Main Street??? We live in Georgia, so if she'd asked me how to spell "Peachtree" it might have made sense. We have 24 roads by that name in Atlanta alone. But Main Street? Looks like I'm going to have to go buy some extra vowels for the fridge!


MindyMac said...

Where in the world did she pick up "Main Street"? That is hilarious! I love that crazy girl...

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

What a cutie! She always surprises me - Mimi...Nana....whatever!