There are two things you need to know as you read the following conversation:
1) 285 is a twelve-lane interstate of terror that goes around the city of Atlanta. I HATE driving on this road even at the calmest of times.
2) Even though I have four children in my mini-van at any given time, Ella is the dominant voice I hear - because the twins are usually playing quietly in the back and because Ty is - well, Ty.
"OK, guys. We have a long drive home, and it's rush hour traffic. I need everybody to be sweet and quiet so Mommy can concentrate. OK, Ella?"
"OK Mommy, we will... Mommy what is traffic?"
"Um, traffic just means that there are lots of cars all going the same way, really slow."
"Mommy you're driving too fast."
"No, I'm not. It's fine"
"Holy cow, Mommy! Watch out for that car!"
"Honey, it's fine. This is just traffic."
"What's traffic, Mommy?"
"I told you: Lots of cars, going really slow."
"Oh. Mommy, how did Nana give me this puzzle?"
"Huh? Oh, I don't know how. Didn't she just hand it to you?"
"Oh. Yeah. But WHY did she give me this puzzle?"
"I guess she thought you'd like it."
"What's wrong?!?"
" PIECE!!!!!!!!! Stop the car, Mommy!!! STOP!!!!!!"
"I can't, Ella. I'm driving!"
"I... WANT... MY... PUZZLE... PIECE...! MY... PUZZLE... PI... oh, I found it, Mommy! It was under my leg. Hee, hee. Isn't that silly, Mommy?"
"Hilarious, Ella. Now just work on your puzzle. I'm trying to drive, and there's a lot of traffic."
"OK, Mommy. What's traffic?"
"Lots of cars. Driving slow."
"Are you going slow?"
"You're not going too fast?"
"Is the policeman going to get you?"
"Because you're not driving too fast?"
"Why is your car beep-beeping?"
"Because that car almost hit us."
"Is that car going too fast?"
"Is the policeman going to take him away? Mom? Mommy? MOMMY!?!"
"Can I listen to my CD?"
"You can listen to Bob and Larry's Backyard Party, since it's already in the CD player."
"NOOOOOOOOO!!! I don't like that CD!!! I want a different CD, Mommy!!!"
"I can't reach another CD, Ella. I'm driving."
"But... I... want... my... blue... Veggie... Tales... C... D............."
"Emily, what's wrong?! Ella, stop crying so I can hear Emily!"
"I the baby, Mommy. I pretend the baby."
"Oh, are you and Evie playing Mommy - Baby?"
"Yes. But I want you to be the Mommy and I'll get in your tummy again and then I'll come out."
"Oh honey, I can't play Mommy - Baby right now. Besides, I don't think I can get you back in my tummy, Emily."
"But I was in your tummy first, Mommy. Wasn't I in your tummy first?"
"Yes, Ella. You were in my tummy first."
"How did I get in your tummy, Mommy?"
"Um, God put you there."
"HOW did God put me in your tummy?"
"Hey Ella, do you want to listen to your blue Veggie Tales CD?"
"No, I want to sing."
"Oh, OK. That sounds like a great idea."
"Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree. How lovely have you been..."
"Ella, do you want to sing a different song?"
"Ella, maybe you could sing a little quieter. Mommy's trying to concentrate."
"Because there's traffic?"
"Oh. Mommy, what's traffic?"
"Just keep singing, Ella."
"OK, Mommy."
What It's Like to Travel with Four Kids
8 years ago
As if driving on 285 isn't stressful enough you have those little backseat drivers to add to the chaos! That little Ella is a hoot. She often tells me when to turn and amazingly she is right. I didn't know 4 year olds paid so much attention.
oh my .... i need a massage after that.
maybe me working driving on 141, 285, AND 85 on a daily basis ... alone ... isn't such a bad thing.
love it - KEEP IT UP!
You have me laughing so hard.....those kids are a comedy act! I wonder if Ty will say such funny things....hmmmmm on second thought, he'll probably be 10 years old before he can get in a word edgewise. Linda
Too funny! I have the same circular conversations with my four year old. At some point I usually say "you tell me," hoping to end it, but it just turns in another direction. Glad you got home safely!
Great job dodging the "how did I get in your tummy mommy?" question! I am stressed out just reading this!!!!
I'm grateful now that Andrew was asleep the last time we drove into Atlanta. It's stressful enough when you don't have anyone talking to you. Ella is really so funny!
That's funny! When I have mom in my car, I get the "aren't you going too fast?" She grips the door handle. "Slow down!" Mom, I'm going the speed limit! "How do you change the radio? Your music sounds like noise!" :)
I can't believe it....actually, yes I can!
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