I've been counting down the days until the first day of school since the last day of school last year. No kidding. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've seen my desperation-tinged status updates: "Only 136 days until the first day of pre-school. Yipee!"
So how, pray tell, did I manage to blow the first day of school?
Well, obviously it didn't sneak up on me. I mean, two weeks ago I was the totally sane and organized mother of three soon-to-be-pre-school students. For two nights in a row I showed up to attend Curriculum Night for all three girls. I met the teachers. I took copious notes. I signed up to help with the Christmas and Easter parties, and volunteered away my entire month of January to help out at the school. I labeled and filed the class lists so I would know just where to find little Susie's mother's phone number when my girls requested a playdate. I took the girls to meet their teachers two days later, and when I did, I arrived laden with every school supply on the list, plus a few extras "just in case."
So what happened? Where did that sane and organized mother go? Apparently, she was replaced by the crazy lady who - at 10 o'clock the night before school started - realized her twins were supposed to turn in their "All About Me" projects in just a few short hours.
What is the "All About Me" project, you ask? Well back when Ella was in this class, I wrongfully assumed that it was a piece of paper she could color, decorate, and paste pictures on to help tell the class all about herself. But it turns out that the "All About Me" project is actually a piece of brightly-colored cardstock that scrapbooking-crazed pre-school mothers use to show off their mad artistic skills, and photographs of their expensive family vacations to Disney World and Hawaii. Needless to say, my husband walked into the bedroom at 11 o'clock, looked at the pile of discarded family photos, gluesticks, markers, and stickers, and asked, "Um, should I sleep on the couch?"
Being the loving wife that I am, I of course responded, "I'M TRYING TO FINISH MY HOMEWORK! JEEZ, I'LL BE DONE IN A MINUTE!"
"Shouldn't the girls be doing their own homework?"
"You would think so, wouldn't you? But I'll let them put some stickers on in the morning."
I really planned to let them do so, but they kept sticking them on crooked. Plus, it turns out that in my rush to finish the "All About Me" projects, I failed to note the lack of clean clothing in our drawers. The first morning of school, I pulled off the girls' wet Pull-Ups, threw on some pants, and hoped the T-shirts they'd slept in didn't look too wrinkled. They didn't.
I'd show you proof, but I forgot to take the obligatory first day of school picture. Since I slept through my alarm clock that morning, I didn't have time to snap that enduring photo. I was too busy with four kids - getting their clothes on, their shoes on, their hair fixed, their teeth brushed, their tummies fed and their seat belts buckled. And yes, we were tardy.
Over a hundred days of counting down... and I still managed to be late.
What It's Like to Travel with Four Kids
8 years ago
I'm leaving the first comment!! And this is a great post. Oh my heavens--some things never change, right? I'd better start on Anna's preschool stuff RIGHT NOW.
You always do make me laugh. Would love to see what you came up with on the "All About Me's"- you have some pretty made artistic skills yourself!
I was in charge of bringing snacks for the first full week of school. Brought pudding, applesauce, etc. and completely forgot I was supposed to supply all accompanying paper products and utensils. Didn't even dare ask Drew how 15 4-yr olds managed to eat pudding the first day w/o spoons.
Well, all I can say is this....knowing you, I'll bet "All about me" was a gorgeous work of art. Oh, why don't you just jump start and go ahead and prepare for little boy's "All about me" now! hee hee hee Linda
Now I'm really nervous, because an orange piece of construction paper came home in Molly's folder with "All About Me" on top and several fill in the blanks, and I thought I was being creative to fill the blanks in with different colored markers!!!!! I'm on your page sister!
Well, normally with four kids you have four chances to get it right. It's not quite fair when you have three all in preschool with the same assignments!
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