Even with a photographer and two assistants, the shoot was more torturous that an afternoon of waterboarding. Apparently, the phrase "Look at the camera and smile!" is understood in a child's brain as "Look anywhere but here, and tears would be great if you've got 'em". Seriously, someone should do a study...
Ella's 5 1/2-Year Old Picture (She turned 5 on July 14, 2009, because once upon a time I actually PLANNED my pregnancies!)
I'm surprised I can say it after that hideous afternoon in the park, but I'm really happy with our family pictures. In fact, I've got one picked out for our Christmas card! I'm taking it in tomorrow to get it printed up.
December 10, 2009
Dear Diary,
In the letters of this texting generation: O... M... G... I'm never going back to that camera store again.
It started out fine. I found a parking spot right out front - though in the interest of keeping the sheriff's department happy, I had to drag everybody out of the car and into the store with me.
Which is when things started to fall apart...
I do not make quick decisions. I'm a perfectionist. You know that, Diary - I write about it all the time. It's just who I am. So chaining me to a computer with 3 of 4 my kids running around, and telling me to pick out my own picture and card design? Stress-FULL. First of all, there were 435 pictures on my disk. And I couldn't remember which one I'd picked. Of course within the first 2 minutes of my hunting and pecking, the kids had knocked over no less than 3 picture frames and a stool. In a panic (and with no sheriff's car in sight), I hauled everybody back out the van, gave them some books to look at, and locked them in. Luckily, my great parking spot kept them in my line of sight.
I ran back in, picked a random picture, and then started flipping through the designs. Would you believe I found a design that matched our brown, red, cream, and light blue attire? Yeah, neither would I - but I actually did! That was the only thing that went right, though, since as I was printing off my order I happened to look outside and notice Evie in the front seat of the car.
I grabbed the receipt and ran out the car, where my naked child greeted me with a shriek of, "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" Why this required her nudity, I have no idea. But her sister was not about to be left behind and started stripping down as well. As soon as everyone was re-clothed, I hauled them back into the camera shop and asked if we could use the bathroom.
It turns out that the bathroom is also their storage closet. Or vice versa. Either way, kill me now.
I HATE public restrooms.
As if all that wasn't enough, Emily needed help getting her seat belt fastened. Or she did until I climbed back there to help her - by then she'd already clipped it. Being the ballerina that I am, though, I tripped over my own feet and fell out of the car, landing on my sciatic nerve. No big deal, though. I just had to lay in a crumpled heap on the parking lot until the feeling came back to my right leg.
(Seriously, kill me now.)
December 11, 2009
Dear Diary,
I had to go back to pick up my pictures today. I hope nobody recognized me.
December 15, 2009
Dear Diary,
It's nearly midnight, but all of my Christmas cards are stuffed, addressed, and stamped. Well actually, I ran out of stamps half-way through, but I'll get around to picking up more. Whew. Feels good to have that done.
December 16, 2009
Dear Diary,
Emily un-stuffed all the envelopes.
December 17, 2009
Dear Diary,
I sent out the stamped half of my cards today. I wish I'd had time to write a letter this year, but the hubby put his foot down and actually said "no". He seems to think this project is is consuming me.
January 4, 2010
Dear Diary,
I found a stack of Christmas cards this morning when I was cleaning out the office. Did I forget to buy stamps?
January 5, 2010
Dear Diary,
I'm posting a blog today if it kills me. If people didn't get a Christmas card from me this year, the least I can do is post a picture.
On second thought, maybe I'll get around to it tomorrow.
Major technical difficulties with this post. My pictures came out tiny, since I had to bootleg them off Andrea's facebook page. (Become a fan, by the way! Andrea Ward Studios, LLC) My computer won't read the disc, so I'll have her send some new ones ya'll can actually SEE the pictures. That's when I'll post the Christmas picture too :) Also, something is really screwy with the spacing. Guess I'll just have to let that go, since I've been fiddling with it for close to an hour. Thanks for reading, though!!!
I can't tell you how I needed that laugh!!! The idea of Evie naked in the front seat of the car had me laughing out loud! And I can't believe Emily un-stuffed the envelopes....that is just awful! So happy you blogged again!
Thanks for the laugh!! I love reading your blog. I laughed out loud picturing Evie naked in the front seat! Andrea does beautiful work!!
Oh, K....oh, K......oh, my goodness.....I am speechless, worn out, but - if you'll pardon me - laughing my head off and REALLY appreciating that Christmas card, framed pic and assorted pics even MORE than I already did! Linda
So, So, So funny...
Hahaha! LOVE the new blog. :) I don't know where you find the time to write...but I'm sure glad you do!
P.S. Thanks for the shameless plug. :)
Laugh out loud funny Kari! Thanks for posting, and you are all darling!
Wow! It certainly was worth the wait for this post. You are absolutely hysterical and I love you more every time I read the next thing you write!
Oh, and I found a stack of cards, too, that somehow never got the stamps I meant to buy. Loved your card, by the way - you guys are beautiful!
worth the wait - doesn't even justify.
love it.
please SOMEHOW find time to write more.
The ugly side of perfectionism, right? I love it. And beautiful final product, btw. As you now know, I didn't do as good a job as you did this year with only one little baby to worry about. You ROCK.
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